28 May 2010

Oh Setan Kembaq..

Lepas bangun pagi,ada setan kembaq datang ke rumah sbb nak paw...then buleh pulak ckp.."Eh cepat sungguh ang abih?"..hahaha...celaka setan kembaq..dan lagi tapaw sirap ngan cucuq..tgk gelas licin ja..hahaha..apa blh buat..dek penangan setan kembaq..hahaha...ni malam tepaksa besidang lagi utk meneruskan bicara..hahahahah...kisah warga emas sering menjadi perhatian..semua gara2 bang pis buat suara kecik nyanyi,syakir dgn gaya mintak kakinya,g dgn muka parkinson mcm nak lapaq penyepak,pahmi dgn komennya yg byk mcm nak suruh shoot ja muka...tu lah depa..kecik2 x mau menyusahkan org..besaq2 lagi menyusahkan org..hahahaha..apa buleh buat....ada lagi kes apa tah..tp biasa la..lupa..maklum la,dah berjangkit penyakit GEE..

Pembuka Bicara

Tanggal 28/5/2010, blog Port Kedamaian kembali aktif. Salam diucap kepada semua...Semoga hidup kita lebih ceria dan meriah dengan adanya blog ini...P/s: Syakir dan Hamzie sila jaga tingkah laku...jgn buat perangai..hahahaha...dari nak formal teruih x formal..hisk.. :)

Ambush In The Night

See them fighting for power
But they know not the hour 
So they bribing with their guns, spare-parts and money,
Trying to belittle our
Integrity now.
They say what we know
Is just what they teach us;
And we're so ignorant
'Cause every time they can reach us 
Through political strategy
They keep us hungry 
And when you gonna get some food 
Your brother got to be your enemy, 

Ambush in the night,
All guns aiming at me;
Ambush in the night,
They opened fire on me now.
Ambush in the night,
Protected by His Majesty.

Well, what we know
Is not what they tell us;
We're not ignorant, I mean it,
And they just cannot touch us;
Through the powers of the Most-I 
We keep on surfacin' 
Thru the powers of the Most-I 
We keep on survivin'.

Yeah, this ambush in the night
Planned by society;
Ambush in the night;
They tryin' to conquer me;
Ambush in the night
Anyt'ing money can bring;
Ambush in the night
Planned by society;
Ambush in the night - [fadeout]